Last OpenSurvey releases:
2024-12-09 Major Update
Downloading panelist data across all projects
Avoid running 2 questionairres in parallel
- Multilanguage module update package
- JSON file exports and imports
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2024-09-10 Major Update
Multilingual Module:
- 1 survey for all languages
- No more data merging
- Consistent data labels
2024-08-25 Major Update
New functions and updates:
- New scale question type – scale 2024 – can better deal with long text and text after and text before
- Back button in grid sub-types fix
- Regular expression floatN update
- Generating FHIR and deleting data – incomplete interviews
- Recontact (recall) functionality extension
- Back button revision
- Results update
- Password security update
- PAM Attributes management
- coding attributes and attributes administration
- remove attribute from account
- attributes stored in FHIR file of rest API
- Sending data update
- storing files into log
- new procedure of generating .csv files,
- new sending data settings
- sending data by SFTP
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2023-01-30 Major Update
2023-04-04 Major Update
New functions:
- Hash unique parameter in redirects
- Notification if quota is filled or not filled
- Date question valid date from and valid date to extended functionality
- .pdf files allowed to add image/media dialog
- Change project setting – created by
- Screen Times update and review
- Unlimited going back with Back button
- SPSS labels update
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2023-01-30 Major Update
New functions:
- Filter online reports in result page
- New option in autocomplete question sub-type
- Search channel and project tool
- Recoded data file type (replacing values with value labels)
- Create unique links in my sample type channel
- Change respondent status
- Copy questionnaire from definition file
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2022-12-13 Major Update
New functions:
- User management update – user roles, surveys visibility and accessibility, share survey, sharing users between accounts
- Codebook update – Complete description of system variables at the beginning of the file
- Republish update
- Delete Survey
- CSS in survey settings
- Change respondent status
- Copy questionnaire from definition file
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2022-10-12 Major Update
New functions:
- Print view of questionnaire
- Code book – an excel file, which shows labels, conditions, names of questionnaire items etc.
- Authentication screen for resp
- New option in Grid type question: Hide grid cell
- New answer required option – semi-mandatory question (no with basic alert)
- Publish – New version of questionnaire (only new respondents see changes) – alternative to rePublish
- Channel connection to PAM as default for PAM accounts and security improvement
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2022-09-04 Major Update
New functions:
- New subtype of text question – Time
- New subtype of text question – Date
- Page detail – new buttons (save and close a back to Questions)
- New action – Quota-full
- Questions – Buk insert update
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2022-07-13 Major Update
New functions:
- New subtype of grid question – Accordion
- New subtype of numeric question – Slider and Vertical slider
- Respondent parameter
- Redirect page – use of a parameter other than resp
- PII question with sensitive personal data
- Password recovery
- Answer Categories in other question types
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2022-06-07 Major Update
New functions:
- Answer Required – no with alert (Questions)
- Responsive mobile design settings (Questions)
- Auto Action (Channel tab)
- Library of User defined questions and JavaSripts
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2022-05-26 Major Update
New functions:
- Answer Categories in multiple categorical question
- Answer Categories in multiple categorical question
- Autocomplete update
- New option: Delete comments
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2022-04-05 Major Update
New functions:
- Excel exports added to Result tab and Questions – Titles and answers
- Excel import added (set of links) – directly to redirect page or channel
- Improvement of import in Sample access – My Sample (check of resp_id uniqueness, correct e-mail addres format etc.)
- Redirect tag added in the My Surveys table
- Excel exports added to Result tab and Questions – Titles and answers
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2022-03-08 Major Update
- New functions:
- Excel exports in OpenSurvey
- Response answers in SPSS .sav (beta) version
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2022-02-09 Major Update
New functions:
- Export and import dirextly to/from .xls in translation module
- Mobile device emulation in testing links
- Upgrade of bulk insert in Page actions
- Add custom head script to project
- More options in results download (statuses, channels etc.)
- Improved calculation of total questionnaire completion time (Spent_time)
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2022-12-10 Major Update
- New functions:
- Automated data sending to third party (client)
- Automated Bot detection – invisible google reCAPTCHA v3
2021-10-08 Major Update
- Custom closed channel text in Channel detail – possibility to change default message for closed channels
- New functions ANSWERCOUNT and COUNT:
- COUNT: shows number of responses in specified question
- ANSWERCOUNT: shows number of responses chosen by respondent in specified question
- State_id in circle Ids – 3rd column added into circle IDs file
- Added open and open required option to multiple numerical question
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2021-06-30 Major Update
- Questionnaire’s logic and routing overview – NEW function added as a button Show Logic in Questions submenu
- Windows encoding for whole European diacrtitics marks added – windows-1252 – western European , 1254 – Turkish, 1255 – Hebrew, 1256 – Arabic , 1257 – Baltic
- Copy to clipboard button in result page – NEW function added
- Count open as answer – New option in multiple categorical question allows user set limit of answers without counting open answer.
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2021-06-10 Major Update
- Automatic closing of channel after reaching required number of completes – New channel option added
- Added encoding for Cyrillic alphabet – windows-1251 into export settings
- System variables are added to condition wizard; e.g. [channelid], [resp] and many more
- New channel are now created directly in testing mode. New info is added into channel overview
- Option for copying projects together with channels and quota settings added
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2021-05-21 Major Update
- New options added to data export settings – the option to select the channel
- Translation module rebuild – fully functional with brand new design and version log
- WYSIWYG editor in emailing added
- Emailing updated
- Instant user support fully implemented – Freshchat fully implemented
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2021-04-07 Major Update
- Check project – extension of revision options (duplicity of labels, show conditions etc.)
- Collapse and expand groups – new feature added
- Randomization of groups – new feature added
- Open answer type label added to grid
- Recontacting – new feature for users with a PAM connected profile
- Question dragging in Preview and Design – newly locked by default
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2021-02-24 Major Update
- CATI instruction added and the option to display the question label added as a parameter to the link
- Login through Circle implemented
- Freshwork – chat added
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2020-11-24 Major Update
- More exlusive checkboxes to different types of questions added
- New parameter OS badquality 9 implemented
- Channels – external access + sample access – the option to show full link including an unique parameter added
- Channel details – status chart added
- Group settings – copy group + merge group options added
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2020-09-15 Questions Update
Transpose grid option implemented
2020-05-15 Major Update
An option to transfer demography from Circle implemented
2020-03-31 Localization Update
- Ukrainian localization implemented
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2020-03-12 Result page Update
- https URL instead of http
- Logo update
- Footer parameter added
- result page – added text „displayed results are based on live raw data“
- result page – option to download open answers added
2020-02-19 Minor Update
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2019-12-17 Major Update
- Channel details – status chart added
- Group settings – copy group + merge group options added
- Dummy data implemented
- Mass deletion od the respondents on the Results page added
- An autosubmit option without the „back“ and „next“ buttons requirement added
2019-11-28 Major Update
- An option to add image/media implemented.
2019-11-11 Major Update
- IS:GROSSSAMPLE newly implemented
- Circle integration
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2018-12-11 GDPR Update
- Option to delete the questionnary added
2018-11-14 Minor Update
- Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2016-03-16 Minor Update
Collect: Versioning changed: you can add comment to each version, even for re-publish. Project version log added. The system also records re-publishing and stors it as a subversion. Data export includes 2 new columns – start_version (questionnaire version on start) end_version (questionnaire version on end) for the case that the version is changed during the fieldwork.
Database optimization
Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
2016-01-03 Minor Update
Questions: Advanced star-rating module (in Single categorical and Grid questions)
Questions: Project Check – fixed for page names in skips
HTTPS optimizations
CATI live watch added
Several minor bug fixes and UX improvements
Project Check added: checks if all question names exist and are correcty declared in conditions (Page, Question, Channel and Quota settings)
Questions: Create variable in Page Settings – operations with text values
Questions: Added flags for Actions in the question list
Questions: Added flags for Skip Logic in the question list
Questions: Added flags for Randomizing in the question list
Questions: Full text search improvements
Questions: Improved Autosum function in Multiple text question
Questions: JS alerts do not start in the question list any more
Questions: Fixed insert of HTML5 videos in some browsers
Questions: Fixed insert of pictures in some browsers (in Page Design)
Questions: Fixed import/copy of questions to the end of a group
Questions: Improved the position fixing in rotated answers
Questions: Improved handling with negative values in both conditions and answers
Questions: Improved label pipelining [LABEL:Q1] for a label defined by a variable
Questions: new question type
Deeper panel integrations and external sample management added for top admins (beta)
All questionnaires are switched to secure HTTPS protocol now. Please change all relative paths (pictures, CSS, media) to HTTPS.
Settings: CSS template – file upload added
Questions: new HTML5 video support (Mp4+WebM formats instead of flash FLV)
Questions: drag & drop items (preview and design tab) – you can arrange questions and answers on the page
Questions: image resize – drag the red dot on the picture to resize it
Questions: shelf-test module added (organizing products)
Questions: exclusive checkbox in semi-open end questions fixed
Questions: row order Asc/Desc reflects the localization
Questions: no more hashtags in uploaded file names
Questions: new variables [IS:COMPLETE], [IS:SCREENOUT] and [IS:QUOTAFULL] can be used on the End page
Questions: new system variable [OSBrowser] detects the current browser
Questions: new system variable [CHANNELID] detects the currect sample channel
Questions: new system variable [DATE:format,days from a specific day]
Questions: you can copy questions/pages/groups from your other project
Questions: new bulk insert for rotation (labels, conditions)
Questions: fixed hiding system menu
Questions: version publishing is also available here (not necessary to go to the Collect page)
Questions: 3D-grid issue fixed
Questions: added export labels for “JS Drag Order” question
Questions: added export labels for single semi-open questions
Questions: publishing/re-publishing can be done in the notification tray
Questions: fixed 3D Grid issue
Respondents: Delete Quota added
Respondents: Re-calculate Quota added
Settings: CSS template management – you can define several custom design templates for each account
Settings: progressbar issue fixed
Results: output missing value can be customized in the export file (-1, 0,99, none etc.)
Results: new export options added to SPSS export (rotation labels, CSV>SPS file extension, label format)
Settings: template management, account templates
Projects: fulltext search
Questions: you can copy question, page or page group from another project
Questions: design editor (CSS moved to Preview & Design tab – double click any item to change its CSS)
Projects: copy questionnaire includes also CSS definition
Questions: inverse randomization
Questions: slider condition fixed
Questions: variable can be used in numeric limits
Results: new export options (multiple questions)
Results: system info download fixed (browsers)
Results: several minor fixes
Several UX improvements
Core system optimization – variable cache
Core system optimization – variable storage
Questions: new grid type – drag and drop
Questions: image resize available
Questions: custom Javascript Code for each question added
Questions: filter logic reflects the existing / nonexisting answers
Questions: basic and advanced view mode merged in Question builder
Questions: grid view optimization and new styling
Questions: question optimization – multiple numerical question – js_drag_order
Questions: DISPLAY IF function fixed
Questions: JS DRAG ORDER – labels improved
Questions: video upload improved
Questions: question sliders – initial position
Respondents: online access panel settings (end links, incentives) for each channel
Respondents: at least one channel is mandatory for a survey
Respondents: external authorization possible for each participant
Respondents – Emailing functions
Respondents – multiple channels available for each project
Respondents – quota management can be applied for the sample or any channel
Questions: skip to test preview from any question (enable System Info)
Questions: you can create custom HTML question (user defined)
Questions: bulk import of conditions
Question: you can switch the WYSIWYG editor off
User management
Results: performance optimization
Results: SPSS Label file improved
Project management: new section
Speed optimization
Bug fixes and many minor improvements
Several minor updates
Bug fixes and many minor improvements
UX changes in admin section
new wysiwyg editor
export: customizable data delimiter
help texts updated
editable style for each question/answer
autosum added for text fields
you can split answers in several columns (radio/checkbox, button)
you can split matrix into several pages
device detection (PC, tablets, smartphones…)
temporary variables are saved to datafile now
actions divided into „actions before“ and „action after“
minor bugs fixed
new question type: custom
timing functions added
data export: variables sorted by file location, not name
minor bugs fixed
minor ux improvements
timestamps added (separate export file)
new question types – sequential matrix, multiple text
Older Resease notes >