User Guide: Results

Download results

  • Response answers – download the survey data in plain text. You can choose the delimiter. The file uses UTF-8 code page which supports international characters. You can convert it into various formats with common tools (PSPad, Notepad++ etc.).
    The export file involves data from all questions and all variables created internally by the scripting. Variable imported/created outside OpenSurvey are NOT included in the export file – if you need them included we recommend creating a new internal variable and passing the values from the imported variable, for example: region=[region].
  • SPSS Labels – download all question and answer labels in SPSS format. Also in UTF-8 code page.
  • Screen Times file provides the time spent by the respondent on every page.

Online results

You can get real-time results for each question. Just click on the question and the details are displayed.

Charts and other export options will be added in the future.